American History Information


Part of the C.A.R.'s mission is to "promote the love of the United States and its heritage." So, here on this site, we provide you with some American History information. Enjoy, but don't plagiarize. These works are the property of their authors.

If you have any articles dealing with American History then please send them to me. If you have a paper for school that deals with any aspect of American History, then we'd love to have it. You will recieve credit on this site, and you may even get your name in the C.A.R.olina News! Please send us only reports that you wrote yourself. Along with the report, please send me your e-mail address, name, and any comments you have on your paper.

Your friendly webmaster, Patrick Sewell


The Declaration of Independence Patrick Sewell

This paper goes over the history of the Declaration and the events that led up to it. It tells about its influence on domestic and international society. Contains the full text of the Declaration. Summary of an Encarta article.

This site ©2001 by Patrick Sewell and S.C.S.C.A.R.. Please ask before using our original content or images.

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